Exclusively For Primary school Headmasters



Headmaster’s duties (R-11) shall include the following.

(i) See that the rules and orders issued by the Department and Government are complied with

(ii) To maintain discipline in the School

(iii) To organize work in the school by framing time-table, distributing work among the assistants, conducting tests and examinations and encouraging extracurricular activities.

(iv) To effect promotions of pupils from Standard to Standard in accordance with the prescribed rules.

(v) To supervise the work of teachers

(vi) To see that records, books and registers of the school   are maintained in proper conditions and to attend to school correspondence promptly.

(vii) To collect fees from the pupils through the teachers and remit the amount into the Treasury in the case of the Government and Aided schools (or send it to the educational agencies, in the case of recognized schools) as per detailed instruction regarding levy, collection, and remittance of fees,

(viii) To maintain the school premises in a healthy, neat and tidy condition.

(ix) To organize and conduct staff council in which all the teachers may be members and the Headmaster, the chairman. 


It shall be the duty of teachers:

(i) To perform to the best of their abilities the teaching and other items of work allotted to them.

(ii) To maintain discipline in the class room and to assist the

Headmaster in maintaining the general discipline of the school

(iii) To conduct themselves in or outside the school in such a manner that their behaviour would be a model for the pupils

Note: Teachers shall maintain Notes of Lessons for the Subject they teach.


(1) The Headmaster shall maintain a Supervision Diary in respect of every teacher under him wherein he shall enter factual details regarding the teacher’s attention to duty and his observation relating to the teacher’s work and conduct as a whole at least once in a term of school year or to any particular lesson conducted by the teacher or to any special school activity in which the teacher is engaged.

(2) The Headmaster may place the Supervision Diary of a teacher before that teacher for perusal and obtain his acknowledgment. A copy of the observations may be furnished to the teacher in case he wishes to offer any explanation and the explanation, if any, so offered shall form part of the record with the remarks of the Headmaster.

(3) When a teacher leaves one school and joins another, his Supervision Diary shall be forwarded to the Headmaster of the later school.

(4) When a teacher quits service his Supervision Diary shall be filed in the records of the school in which he was last serving.


(1) The Headmaster shall maintain a Log Book in which he should

enter all important events connected with the school such as the introduction of new books, apparatus, or courses of instruction, any plan of lessons approved by the Educational Officer, the visit of managers, absence, illness or failure of duty on the part of any of the staff or any special circumstances affecting the school that may for  the sake of future reference or any other reason, deserve to be recorded. No  reflection or opinions of a general character shall be entered in the Log Book.

(2) The Headmaster shall also maintain a Factual Diary as per the departmental instructions on the subject., It shall be open for perusal for any teacher.

Note: A Visitor’s Book may be maintained in which distinguished visitors may record their observations about the school.


Asper RTE Act Pupils may be admitted at any time without TC or without any entrance exam.


Pupil should have completed 5 years of age as on Ist June of the year of admission in Std I. (Relaxation of age upto 3 months by AEO/DEO) (G.O(Ms) 198/09 GEdn. dt. 5-10-09) & G.O. (MS) 117/12 Gen. Edn. dated: tvm 12/04/2012

Exemption from age rule for 3 month Std I to IX and  6 months for Std X(GO(Ms) 224/11/G.Edn. dated : 02-11-2011

Persons who have completed 20 years of age shall not be admitted to any school without sanction of competent authority. (Now the Dist.  Edl.  Officer)


If a TC. is irrecoverably lost or irremediably damaged, duplicate TC. shall be issued on application accompanying by a chalan for Re. 1/- and a certificate from a Gazetted officer or President of local body or FC. Magistrate or M.L.A. or M.P to the effect that the original is irrecoverably lost or damaged.  Duplicate TC. issued should be clearly marked “Duplicate.” Head of Account for remiting fee-0202-01-102-92 receipts from other items.


A certificate of Education in the prescribed form (vide R.22A of Ch VI) may be issued by the Headmaster on application with a chalan for Rs. 10/- to any pupil who left/leaves the school before appearing for the S.S.L.C. examination.


(G.O.(P) 38/2012/G.Edn - 07-02-12)

1. The name of pupil, religion, address and date of birth once entered in the admission register shall not be altered(R3)

2. But they can be altered by the authorities mentioned below producing   proper evidences from the concerned authorities receiving application in the prescribed form and remitting prescribed fees.

a) The Head Master is authorised to make changes when the pupil is studying in that school from Std I to X

b) The alteration in the former school registers relating to the pupils transfered to other schools which follow CBSE or ICSE syllabus can be made by the Educational Officers concerned after passing the Xth Std Exam. (G.O(Ms) 226/10/G.E. Date 8-11-2010)

c) After presented for the SSLC exam. only Secretary to the Commissioner  for Govt. Exams is authorised for correction.

Note:   Name, Religion, Caste and Date of birth shall not be alterd without the support of a certificate from the competent revenue athority of the registare of births and deaths pvoviso to rules 3 chapter VI.



1) The Headmasters shall be responsible for holding internal written examinations in their schools to test the progress of the pupils and to decide their promotion from standard to standard in consultation with the staff council if any.

2) There shall be one examination (Final) for every standard for every year in (March) according to time-tables set sufficiently early.

3) It shall be the duty of every teacher to render such assistance as may be required by the Headmaster in the setting of question papers, the supervision of examinations and the valuation of answer papers.

4) Strict secrecy shall be maintained in the preparation of question papers, which should be   approved by the Headmaster after scrutiny as to their suitability for the students.

5)  The valuation of answer papers should be completed before the dates prescribed by the Headmaster, who should test the valuation after it is completed.   The Headmaster is however competent to revise the marks awarded by his assistants as he may consider necessary, but the reasons for and the extent or nature of such revision must be clearly recorded and the matter be placed before the staff council, if any MARK REGISTER (R. 1 2)

There shall be a Mark Register in every school in which it shall be entered

a) The marks obtained by the pupil in each subject in each examination.

b) The pupil’s percentage of attendance together with the authority, if any, for exemption in case of shortage of attendance,and

c) The Headmaster’s orders as to whether the pupil is promoted or detained.

Note: On no account shall any marks entered in the Register be altered except for the purpose of correcting a material error and the reasons for such alteration must be made the subject of record. Headmasters shall keep all Mark Registers under lock and key and will be personally responsible for the entries of marks.



Managers of private schools shall appoint teachers possessing prescribed qualification in the schools under their management.


The upper age limit for appointment as teacher in all catagories  is 40 with usual relaxation for OBC (3 years) and SC & ST candidates

(5 years) rule I (2) read with GO(MS) No.28/2012/P&ARD Dt. 20-06-2012.

Age limit need not be insisted in the case of reappointment under Rule 51A and widow/widower in case of appointment in Dying in harness scheme.


1 Three copies of the appointment order signed by the manager and the necessary  documents, shall be submitted by the manager to the Educational Officer within  15 days form the date of effect of the staff fixation order or within 15 days from the date of joining duty of the candidate whichever is later.

2.Delay in submission of the order of appointment upto six months shall be condoned by the Dy.  Director of Education and in all other cases by the Director.

3.No separate Appointment Order is necessary:

In the case of conversion of P.T. post into F.T. Post as per staff fixation and the filling up such post by promotion (Proviso to R8(i))


1) Declaration by the manager that none has to be absorbed under the management by virtue of any rule or order by the Government.

2) Another declaration by the manager that the claim of no previous appointee has been overlooked by this appointment.

3) Certificate of character and antecedents from anyone of the following persons. (Certificate issued within six months prior to the date of appointment)

(a) Any Gazetted Officer who knows the applicant personally for the last three years.

(b) Headmaster of an aided school (c) M.P or M.L.A (d) President of Panchayath having jurisdiction over the place of residence.

4) Declaration by the candidate that he has not been convicted by a court of law for any offences involving moral turpitude and no criminal case is pending against him.

5) Declaration to the effect that he has not been debarred from appointment in any public service by P.S.C

6) True copies of the qualification certificate attested by the candidate.

7) In the case of Corporate Educational Agencies the declaration in the form prescribed in GO (MS) 258/90 G Edn. dt 15/12/90


(a) For extension of period of appointment if an appointment  has already been approved

(b) If a teacher was retrenched owing to termination of vacancy but reappointed within 6 months from the date of retrenchment.

(c) In re-appointment of a teacher on the re-opening date after retrenchment for want of 8 months service on the closing date.

(d) If a service register is opened and is duly attested by the Controlling Officer for a teacher his second or subsequent appointments can be approved on the basis of entries in the SB.

APPEAL [R.8(5),(6)]

If the approval of appointment is declined, an appeal shall lie to the Dist. Edl. Officer (in the case of Primary Schools) DDE in the case of High Schools  within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order. The appeal should be received to the appellate authority within 15 days.

The Director may on his own notion or otherwise call for records of the orders relating to the approval of appointments issued by the subordinate officers and revise the same (R. 8A XIV A of K E R)


1. Initial appointment of qualified teachers shall be on probation (R,. 3 Ch. XIVA)

2. Teachers shall be on probation for a total period of one year duty within a continuous period of two years.

3. Broken periods of duty within a continuous period of 2 years can be reckoned for the declaration of probation.   In such cases satisfactory completion of probation of the teacher concerned shall be declared by the Manager with retrospective effect from the date on which he is found eligible/suitable for such declaration of completion of probation.

4. Leave (Other than CL and Maternity Leave) including Holidays suffixed or prefixed to be excluded while reckoning one year of duty.

5. Maternity leave is treated as duty w.e.f 15-02-88 (G.O. (P) 6/88 / P&ARD dt. 15-02-88 and G.O.(P) 43/88 P & ARD dt. 17-08-88)

6. A teacher appointed on probation shall draw his first increment in the time scale only with effect from the date of satisfactory completion of probation, but subsequent increments shall be drawn on the first day of the month in which they fall due. (R. 61 (2A))

7. A qualified teacher shall be granted increments in the time scale of his post, if he has served the period necessary to earn them (R. 61(2))

8. Delay in the declaration of satisfactory completion of probation of a teacher will not however affect his future increments and these will  accure on the normal increment dates (R.61 (2B)).

9. All duty in a post on a time scale whether continuous or interrupted shall count for increment in that time scale. (R.61 (4))

10. All leave except L.WA. taken other wise than on medical certificate shall count  for increments. (R.61.(5))

11. In the case of leave substitute aided school teachers appointed as leave substitute teacher and who are given annual increments can be given service based higher grades also. (Vide Cir. No. 6/ J.2/95. G. Edn. Dt. 5-10-95)

12. Should pass short term computer course having the duration of not less than 45 hrs.  approved by the government wef. 22/03/11. G.O.(P) 308/13/G.Edn. dt. 27/11/13

13. Pre-revised scale and corresponding revised scale are treated as identical scale and so change in the scale of pay due to intervension of pay revision is to be taken as identical scale for sanction of increment  Lr. No. 179/Rules/A3/100/Fin dt. 15-3-10 of the Under Secretary (Finance), No. 44060/J2/11/GEdn. dt. 26-9-12.

SENIORITY LIST (R.34), 34(b)

1.The Seniority List in form 11 A shall be made as on the Ist day of January every year.

2. The competent authority (in case of single Management: A.E.O., corporate management having schools in different sub-Districts D.E.O, D.D.E. or D.P.I. as the case may  be) shall approve list provisionally by 30th June and finally by 3 1 st August every year.

3. The Seniority list provisionally approved shall be circulated to the teachers and representations, if any, received from the teachers within one month from the date of receipt of the list provisionally approved may be forwarded to the Edl. Officer within two months from the date of receipt provisionally, approved

4. The competent authority after hearing the parties, if necessary, shall approve the list finally with or without change.

5. An appeal shall lie to the Dist. Edl Officer. Deputy Director, DPI or the Govt. as the case may be, within one month from the date of the order.

6. In the case of U.P Schools and L.P. Schools a combined seniority list of UPSA, LPSA, Language teachers and Specialist teachers specified in Rules 3 and 4 chapter XXXI shall be prepared. The purpose of the seniority list will be only to determine the position of persons eligible for promotion on primary school H.M. by virtue of length service and prisecribed qualification for promotion.


1.Appointment of Headmasters shall ordinarily be according to seniority from the seniority list prepared and maintained as per rule 34(a), 34(b).

2.a) In LP schools, qualification prescribed for the post of Headmaster is SSLC or equivalent with TTC or TCH or Pre-degree (Pedagogy). (R. 45A)

b) In UP schools, qualification prescribed for the post of Headmaster is SSLC or equivalent with TTC or TCH or Pre-degree (Pedagogy). or degree in subject and BEd (R. 45)

c) Appointnement of 12 years of teaching experience and account test (lower) and KEAR shall be an obligotry qualification to the teachers for promotion in LPS and UPS.

3.If a qualified teacher is not available in the staff the school to be promoted as Headmaster the seniormost teacher in the school, or  schools  under the Edl. agency shall be promoted as Headmaster temporarily. Such a temperoray promotee shall be reverted on a teacher becoming eligible for the post or Headmaster (R.45C)

4.The Language/Specialist Teachers according to their seniority shall be appointed as Headmaster of UP and LP schools provided that the teacher possesses prescribed qualification for promotion as Headmaster on the date of occurrence of vacancy.

5.The pay of the promotee shall be fixed as provided in Rule 43A of Chapter XIV A. KER.

Note:   Teachers who have completed 50 years of age are exempted from acquiring account test qualification. (Rule 45B(4) of chapter XIV A of KER.) The Head teacher shall be a person having a minimum of 12 years of teaching experience (Rule 18 of RTE Rules 2011)


  Whenever the Manager intends to appoint a person as Headmaster other than senior claimant, the Manager shall obtain a written consent from such senior claimant renouncing his claim permanently.   Such consent shall have the approval of the Educational Officer concerned.

On every occasion, when the Manager appoints a junior, overlooking  a senior claiment, the consent of the later has to be obtained. That is, consent obtained once will only apply to that particular appointment  made at the relevant time. As far as that appointment is concerned, the relinguishment is permanent. (Decision of the full bench of Hon. High Court in W.P(C) 37060 of 2007  dt 09-09-09)

Note: Vide the article regarding the relinguishment of promotion of HM in Aided School published in February 2010 ‘Headmaster ’ monthly by T. Sreedharan Chombala.


Orders of preference will be

i) Rule 43 claimant.

ii) Rule 51 A claimants if the claim has acquired before the date of application put in by the rule 51 B claimants.

iii) Rule 51 B claimants.


1.Qualified teachers who are relieved as per rule 49 or 52 or on account of termination of vacancy shall have preference for ap- pointment to future vacancies in the same or higher or lower category of teaching posts, for which he is qualified that may arise in schools under the same educational agency provided they have not been appointed in permanent vacancies in schools under any other education agency. Provided that a teacher who has relieved under rule 49 or rule 52 shall not be entitled to preferance for appointment under this rule unless such teacher has a minimum continuous service of one academic year as on the date of relief. Provided further that the first preference under this rule shall be given to protected teachers.

2.If there are more than one claimant the order of preference shall be according to the first appointment.   If the date of first appointment is the same preference shall be decided with reference to age the elder being given first preference.

3.Manager should issue an appointment order to the teacher by registered post with acknowledgment due and give a period of 14 clear days to the teacher to join duty . If the teacher does not join duty in time the manager should give a further notice to the teacher stating that another person would be appointed and the preferential right would be forfeited if not exercised within another 7 clear days.  If nothing is heard during that time also the claim will be regarded as forfeited.


1.Teachers who are relieved on account of any reduction in the number   of posts under orders of the Department shall on reappointment in the same school or in another school under the same management or a different management start on the same pay as they were getting at the time of relief, whether the new appointment is permanent or not.

2.Teachers thrown out   from service due to the withdrawal of recognition of schools by the Department shall also be eligible to draw the pay which they were getting at the time of withdrawal of recognition of the school on reappointment in another school.


The Manager shall give employment to dependent of an aided school employee dying in harness. Government orders relating to the employment assistance to the dependents of Government servants dying in harness shall mutatis mutandis apply in the matter of such appointments. If the manager fails to carryout his obligation, the Educational Officer shall have power to deny approval of such appointments which are made against rule 51 B chapter XIV A and Rule 9 A Chapter XXIV A KER  [See also GO (P) 12/99/P&ARD Dt 24-5-99, G.O(P) 24/99 P&ARD dt. 18-11-99 and G.O(P) 14/2010 P&ARD dt. 12-4-2010]


(Read:- 1. G.O.(P) No. 199/2016/G.Edn  Dated 3.12.2016 and 2. G.O.(P) No. 3/2019 G.Edn   Dated 28.2.2019)

Rule 7

(1) Subject to Rules 43, 51A and 51 B of Chapter XIV A, the posts of Lower Primary School Assistant  and Upper Primary School Assistant sanctioned  additionally as per  item (iii) of clause (b) of rule   I and item (iv) of rule 5 of Chapter XXIII, shall be filled up by the manager by appointing teachers from among the list of protected  teachers maintained under the  Teachers  Bank, with the  permission  of the Deputy Director (Education) concerned.

(2) Subject to Rules 43, 51A and 51 B of Chapter XIV A, the additional posts, irrespective  of category, on staff  fixation  shall be filled up by  the manager  by appointing  teachers  from among  the list of protected teachers in the Teachers Bank, with the permission of the Deputy Director (Education)concerned any by appointing teachers otherwise than from the Teachers Bank in the ratio 1:1 respectively.

(3) (a)  Subject to  rules 43,51A and 51 B of Chapter  XIV A,  in the schools  opened  or upgraded  during  the period  from 22 nd  May,1979 to 28 th   January, 2016, except in the pre-upgraded section, in addition to the additional posts or vacancies earmarked  for appointing  protected  hands in terms of sub rules(1),(2) and (4), one among    the existing  or arising regular  vacancies of teachers or non teaching  staff shall  also  be filled up by the  manager  by appointing  a protected   hand from the Teachers Bank with the  Permission of the Deputy Director, Education  concerned

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (viii) of rules 6, Chapter V, in the  schools opened or upgraded or opening or upgrading on or after 29 th     January, 2016, except  in the pre-upgraded section, all the  existing and arising  vacancies inculding  all additional or new  posts  shall be  filled by the Manager  by appointing  protected  hand from the Teachers bank with the permission  of the Deputy Director, Education concerned.

NOTE:  “ Pre-upgraded section” means  the existing  Lower Primary or Upper  Primary section  prior  to the  upgradation of the  schools as Upper Primary School or High School or High School on or after 22nd May, 1979

(4) Subject to rules 43, 51 A and 51 B of Chapter XIV A,  short term vacancies including  leave vacancies and vacancies of teachers deputed for training, having  duration of one  academic  year and above, shall also be filled ii up by the manager bu appointing teachers from among the list of protected teachers in the  Teachers Bank, with the  permission of the Deputy Director (Education) concerned:     Provided that, if on the date of  occurrence of the vacancy, a teacher in the same category is not available in the Teachers Bank of that revenue district,manager shall appoint  teachers by resorting to Teachers Bank of other revenue districts.

(5) Subject to  rules 43, 51 A and 51 B  of Chapter XIV A, the  posts or vacancies earmarked   for appointing   protected   hands in  sub-rules (1),(2),clauses (a) and (b)  of sub-rules (3)  and sub-rule (4) shall not  be filled up by  the managers otherwise than from the Teachers Bank. The appointments made by the managers against other vacancies occurred on the  same date or on a subsequent date, shall be  considered for approval only with  effect from the date of joining duty of the protected hands in the above posts or vacancies.”

(6) When a vacancy arises due to the relief of a protected teacher appointed under sub-rules (1) to (4), that vacancy  shall be  filled  up  only by appointing another  protected teacher from the Teacher’s Bank.

(7)  The  protected  teachers appointed  in any  school from the Teachers Bank shall  have no   preferential  claim or right  for appointment  in future vacancies  in any  schools  other than  their parent  schools or in any schools under their  parent educational agency

(8) If a  protected teacher in the same category is not  available  in the Teachers Bank of the  revenue district in which the  school is situated, as on the date of  occurrence  of vacancy, manager shall appoint a  teacher  from the Teacher Bank of any  other revenue district where such  protected teacher is available, with the   permission of the Director.    In case, same category of teacher  is not available  in the  Teachers Bank of  any revenue  district, such vacancies except the vacancies against  the posts  mentioned  in sub-rules[“(1),(2) and clauses (a)  and (b) of sub-rule(3) }shall be filled up by the Manager otherwise with the permission of the Director. The vacancies mentioned the sub-rules (1),(2) and clauses (a)  and (b) of sub-rule(3)] shall only be  filled up as specified  by Government from time to time.

(9)  The Educational Agencies having  more than  one school , Shall   not transfer  protected  teachers  appointed  from the  Teachers Bank, from  one school to  another or terminate their service, without the  prior permission of the Deputy Director ( Education)  concerned.

(10) The rules regarding appointment/deployment applicable to  protected teachers of aided  schools shall mutaus mutandis apply  to the  protected non- teaching staff in aided schools.

Note 1:-  “Teachers Bank”  Whenever it  occurs in these rules means the list    of teachers  retrenched  due to division fall from the schools  of  various Aided Educational Agencies and eligible for protection as per the orders issued by Government from time to time.  It is a temporary arrangement   for retaining the protected  teachers for suitable  appointment/deployment.

Note 2 :-   The enlistment of teachers eligible  for  protection under the Teachers Bank at revenue  district level shall be done by the  Deputy  Director (Education) of the revenue district concerned. Managers shall appoint teachers from among the  protected  teachers  enlisted under Teachers Bank,  against the vacancies earmarked  for  them with the permission of the Deputy  Director (Education) concerned.

Note3: The managers of the  minority Schools shall have  the right  to choose  protected  teachers of  their  choice from the  Teachers Bank of any revenue district with the  permission of  the Director.



1.Subscribing to the fund is compulsory to all full time employees teachers to whom XIV C.K.E.R is applicable and non teaching staff governed by Ch XXIV (B) who are either permanent or if officiating having a continuous service not less than one year.


Aided school employee who belongs to religious order imposing vows of poverty of its members will get exemption from joining the fund on request in writing to Account Officer


1.Every employee who is to join the fund shall submit application in duplicate in form A with nomination, through Headmaster of the school to the Educational Officer concerned.

2. After getting one copy of the application returned alloting an account number by the Account Officer, recovery of the subscription effect regularly.

3.If the subscriber has a family at the time of nomination, the nomination shall be in favour of the members of his family only.

4.A subscriber may at any time cancel a nomination with a fresh nomination sending a notice in writing to the Account Officer.


A subscriber have, at his option, right not to subscribe during leave which either does not carry any leave salary or carries leave salary equal to or less than half pay or half average pay.

A subscriber may at any time during the last one year of service immediately preceding the date of his retirement elect not to subscribe to the fund. (Proviso No. 1 and 4 to R9) In such cases the subscriber can apply for Closure of his fund account three months after the date of such option and the amount standing at his credit shall become payable before the date of his retirement (R. 43(3)).

Such subscriber should send an option statement (in duplicate)

through proper channel to the Account Officer.

Discontinuance of subscription during last three   months of retirement is compulsory.


Temporary advance may be drawn by an employee once in six months if sufficient amount is there at credit.

The following formula may be adopted for determining the maximum amount of advance admissible at a time.

(3a-b)/4.  a = Balance at credit

b= Outstanding balance of previous advance illustration; a=Rs. 2,00,000/- b=Rs. 16,000/- Maximum temporary advance admissible (3x200000-16000/4=584000/4=1,46,000/-


After the completion of 10 years of service of a subscriber or within 10 years on the date of attainment of the age of superannuation whichever is earlier except the month in which he retires or proceeds on leave preparatory to retirement from service on superannuation, non-refundable withdrawals shall be sanctioned for one or more of the following purposes

a. Meeting the cost of higher education of any child of the subscriber (for education outside or inside India for academic, technical, professional or vocational courses beyond the high school stage and for any medical, engineering or other technical high school stage) provided that the course of study is not less than 3 years

b. Meeting expenditure of the marriage of a son or daughter of the subscriber or for repaying any loan taken for this purpose.

c. Meeting the expenditure in connection with the illness of the subscriber or any person actually dependant or for repaying any loan taken for this purpose

d. Purchasing a house site in the name of the subscriber or his wife/her husband or repaying any loan taken for this purpose before the date of application for withdrawals.  The home to be constructed shall be for the actual residence of the subscriber and his family.

e. Building a house on a site owned or acquiring a house together with site or to repay the loan taken for this purpose.

f. For making addition or alteration or re-constructing or completing or repairing a house owned or acquired by the subscriber.

g. To Purchase Television, Washing Machine, Cooking range, Computers etc.

NRA shall not be sanctioned after the application for closure is forwarded to Account officer (PF).


T.A./NRA Upper Monetary Limit
HMs of Govt. Schools, Sr. Supdt.of AEO’s
Rs. 1,30,000/-
AEO, PA to DEO, HM Govt HS
Rs. 2,60,000/-
Rs. 3,90,000/-
D.D.E.. Joint Commitioner
Rs 5,25,000/-
DPI / Senior Finance Officer 
As per rules without Monetary Limit.
GO(P)58/2017/Fin dated : 03-05-17 proceeding  No. K.Dis 3/65083/2- 16 DPI dated 04-07-17

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